Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire on Love

Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire on Love

Performed at Sydney, Poetry Sydney - Valentine's Day Vessels of Love 2022

1 minute read

1. How long have you been using the product?
For two decades in diluted tincture—
full strength consumption
since the past one score.

2. Which alternatives did you consider before deciding on this product?
The Blunting™ —worked well till it suddenly splintered—
shrapnel from my girlhood
still festers in my flesh. The Hiding™ —
shrouded costs left me exsanguinated.

3. How often do you use the product?
Mineral veins, arteries, pumping filigree —
robust rhythm, every minute, bolsters my breath.

4. Does the product help you achieve your goals?
My youthful dismissiveness when Mother said,
“When in doubt, respond with Love.”
My quiet acknowledgement of her wisdom now.

5. What is your favorite tool of the product?
The Disarming Key.

6. What would you improve if you could?
The Discernment Bolt.

7. Which product feature do you consider the most valuable?
Serendipity—druid touch—
multi-whorled miracles.

8. Which product feature do you use most often in your day-to-day life?
Wind and sun splashed on ginkgo leaves,
lush against the soft cheeks of my children.

9. Would you recommend this product to others?
One size fits all.
